Manu Villalobos - Cooking what reminds me of home




Manuel Villalobos



Blog Bezeichnung/Influencer Name

Manu Villalobos

Blog-URL (oder Social Media-URL)

Ausrichtung deines Blogs bzw. Profils

My dream is to motivate people to explore and try Mexican Food. Through storytelling, I want to show people what real Mexican Cuisine is and how possible it is to cook it. Regardless on you being a chef or living outside of Mexico, with a bit of inspiration and willingness, everyone can create something amazing.

Über mich (Kurzbeschreibung)

I’m a Mexican Food content creator based in Vienna Austria. My journey began when I moved to Europe, I was missing more and more the food I grew up with and I forced myself to learn how to cook it. I am no chef by profession, just someone who discover love and time traveling in cooking.

Kategorie Partner

Die besten Food Blogs im Web und auf Social Media mit Begeisterung für das Selberkochen, bewussten Umgang mit frischen Lebensmitteln und hochwertigen Zutaten.